Tuesday 12 March 2013

Argyll, Inveraray, Oban - Braveheart & Harry Potter movie SPOT SPOTTING - ROAD TRIP TIP #2 "part 2"

Hi All,

Yesterday I told you about the first part of my road trip last weekend; if you thought castle hopping was a bit boring, what about movie spot spotting?

After we woke up on Sunday, we drove up to Fort William, where we had a big breakfast to energy up for our big adventure hiking up the Ben Navis (Where the Oscar winning movie Brave heart was filmed.) Joking ;)  we hiked up the Glen Navis. (smaller one, still beautiful views)

The snowy one in the Back is Ben Navis of Braveheart....brrr... Good Luck hiking that one ;)

We took the yellow brick road, which takes approximately 2h. However, other options are possible: shortest will be around 45 min and the longest about 5h.  

After the hike we raced to Glen Finnan, which is the bridge from the movie Harry Potter. (Train to Hogwards, I believe he flies over it with his car) WEIRD SENTENCE!! flying car haha

WARNING: If you get caught on this bridge by the police you will get a £ 1000 fine. :S
From May until September you can take the train and drive over it for £30!! ;)

Hope you liked my road trip... and I hope to go on another road trip really soon!
Cheers #Sophie

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