Monday 4 March 2013

About the rabbits #4: Head-spinner of vaste spaces

Hi fellows, welcome to the Travel Rabbits !!

If you landed here, it is certainly that you are looking for new landscapes, new horizons, and new places to visit... In brief, in preparation or doing a journey!

I like traveling since I'm young - at first when my parents made me participate to school trips, then took me in trip with them, until I left to live in a host family during a year in America.

To go and to discover, to come back, so many places remain to explore, to capture these moments in his/her heart and memories (without forgetting of course in his/her camera !!), to meet people, to adapt to what's happening... 

Travels forge the youth, as we say!! 

I live this year in Scotland, far from France where I come from (in fact, not that far away when we think about it !!). Provence and its sun, the South of France represents for me a quite particular place, a place where I like coming back ceaselessly, to get fresh ideas to me, return to my roots, where I want to be... 

But today, I would like to share with you a picture from a quite different place, far away from there!!

It is a picture taken at the Yosemite National Park, in USA. Imagine a place where the noise of waterfalls goes along with the birdsong, where the immense trees hide birds, squirrels, deers, bears and so much more, where rivers zigzag between the green areas of plains...

This so vast and magnificent place, where not one ounce of asphalt exists, just the wind in the foliage and the sun making shadow plays on the ground.

As I, follow the White Rabbit, because often, there is no need to go far away to discover amazing places! There are everywhere!! 

Enjoy :)


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