Thursday 7 March 2013

*Miami Beach - Welcome to Paradies

In February 2012 I went to Miami Beach - and couldn't leave for six weeks! Miami Beach is all you could admire- and more!! You feel like being part of a Hollywood series, when you are walking through the Ocean drive, having a mojito in a beach bar and hanging out with your latin-american amigos ;-) 
I lived in a nice Hostel in the famous Espanola Way, surrounded by Siestas, Fiestas, Sangria and Fajita!! It was an amazing time and I will remember everybody I met there for the rest of my life. If you want to spend some time in the probably most beautiful place in the United States and spend some time with the rich and beautiful persons of the world, who don't do nothing except of celebrating them selves- go to Miami Beach!!

xxx Heidi

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