Thursday 28 March 2013

*Berlin with some animality

As you know, I am German. And if you ask Germans about their capital, 99% are excited and state it's the best city ever (or at least in Germany). Well, I cannot confirm that completely.. I've been in Berlin several times, and I saw both exciting and disturbing features^^ I can definitely say it's not my personal city to live in forever. But still, you miss something if you never go there! My Berlin Highlight is the Zoo. It's huge and very natural, not too tourism- like and also pretty cheap. You get a student discount if you show your ID.
Of course, the nightlife in Berlin is almost as animalike as the zoo. Very exciting, very exhausting, very especial.
But like I said, there are tons of people who are entirely in love with this city. Maybe you should go there soon, make your own impressions and tell me that I am completely nuts for not loving Berlin! ;-) xxx Heidi

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